1 thought on “Not your everyday Mailman

  1. Nathan

    I know this comment is really late in coming, but here’s my centavos:

    You *can’t* get a group mailing list going with a one and one account. I say *can’t* because: 1, I’ve tried, and 2, I asked a bunch of linux people about setting up mailing lists and it doesn’t seem like one and one has the necessary features.

    Note: I’m talking about a group list (a list that people can respond to and the email will go to everyone).

    If you want a one-way mailing list, then PHPList looks like it will do the trick. This past weekend I spent some time setting up a list like this (called DADAMAIL). It is a one-way mailing list and it was fairly easy to set up. (Although after getting it going it turned out the UI was really dumb).

    So, if you want a one-way list, PHPList looks like the ticket. If you want a group list (where people can respond), you can try yahoo-groups or something.

    * To get a group mailing list you need to be able to set up an email alias that points to a file. If you have your own linux box this isn’t too hard (you just have any mail going to this_address@fefnet.com get processed by the mailing list manager). The thing with our one and one accounts is that I’m not sure if we can do that. I’m currently waiting for a response from one and one.

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